For the Chinantec people, whistling is a language
If you find yourself in Mexico's Sierra Madre del Sol mountains, listen for a whistle floating across the rugged peaks. Then listen for an answer - you may overhear a conversation in a rare and unusual language.
For centuries, the Chinantec people have lived in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. They established villages and planted crops on the steep slopes. But the rough landscape made travel - and communication - difficult.
Shouting over the mountains can strain one's voice, but whistling does not. So some Chinantecs developed a language composed entirely of whistles. It can express almost every word in their spoken language. Some scholars think this form of communication dates back to the time of the first languages. Chinantecs use different styles of whistling at different distances. The shortest is used face to face.
A median-range style can be heard up to 200 meters away. And for long-distance communication, they place their fingers in their mouths and let out a piercing whistle. In some circumstances, it can be heard over a Kilometer away.
Grammar Gym
find yourself: you are
- If you find yourself in Mexico's Sierra Madre del Sol mountains...
- If you find yourself wondering what the tour guide is saying please don't hesitate to ask for clarification.
- After studying chemistry for two years, Dennis found himself feeling bored in his classes.
Info Cloud
Oh, I am so close.
Huh... so close to what, Ken?
Well, I'm trying to make an anagram, using the words "Chinantecan whistlers."
And, what have you got so far?
"When a rich cat listens," but that doesn't make sense.
Plus, I have an extra 'n' I don't know what to do with.
Hmm... keep trying.
Friends, an anagram is a type of word play.
You make one by rearranging the letters in a word or phrase to produce an altogether new word or phrase.
Now the tricky part is each letter from the original word or phrase may only be used once.
And, it needs to make sense.
Anagrams have been around for centuries.
They've been used by scientists and diplomats to create secret messages.
They've been used by psychiatrists to test patients' memories.
But, mostly anagrams have been used for fun.
The best anagrams have in some way a connection with the original work.
For example, "dormitory" can be turned into "dirty road."
See the connection?
Good one, how about the anagrams "two plus eleven" and "one plus twelve?"
Not only do both use the same letters, they give the same mathematical result, thirteen.
anagram n.變位詞(組)
such as: tea --- eat (重新排列成eat)
dormitory 重新排列成 dirty room
Language Lab
overhear v.偶然聽到、無意中聽到、偷聽
to hear (something that was said to another person) by accident [+ obj]
- The patient overheard the doctors discussing his condition.
- Gina intentionally stood close to the judges to overhear the results of the contest.
establish v.建立、設立
to begin or create (something that is meant to last for a long time)
- The charitable organization was established by a group of teachers.
establishment n.建立;企業、機構
a place or organization where people live or do business
- The food chain is a well organized establishment.
be + composed of 由某些事物(人)組成的
- The band is composed of top musicians.
- Her diet was composed of mainly vegetables and chicken breasts..
circumstance n.情況、環境、境遇
the conditions that affect a situation, action, event etc:
- Under the circumstances, we have to cut our expenses as much as possible.
- Under no circumstances will we agree to sell our store.
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