Friday, August 9, 2013

The Great Train Robbery (2)

The Hunt
In response to Britain's biggest train robbery, Scotland Yard assembled a team of detectives called the Flying Squad. They received a call about suspicious activity at a place called Leatherslade Farm. It turned out to be the thieves' hideout. "The whole place is one big clue," one detective said. They made the first arrest the following day, but the last wasn't made until 1968, when mastermind Bruce Reynolds was finally caught. Most of the robbers received 25 or 30 years of jail time, though all were released by 1978.

The Man Who Ran
The exception was Ronnie Biggs, who escaped from prison in 1965 and ran from one country to another. Hiding behind plastic surgery, he was discovered in Brazil but avoided capture several times. Finally in 2001, over 30 years after his escape, an unhealthy Biggs turned himself in to serve his jail time. In 2009, he was released for compassionate reasons a day before his 80th birthday. He happens to share the date with the anniversary of his famous crime.

Info Cloud

Hi friends, here is a piece of advice: If you often feel tired during the day, maybe you should turn in early.

Yes, "turn in early" or "go to bed early".

Turn in is just an informal way to say go to bed.

So, what time do you turn in, Steve?

Well, Ken, I normally turn in at eleven o'clock most nights.

Now, let's play with this phrase a little and add a direct object: "turn someone in".

It's now a new phrase with a very different meaning.

Ken, if you don't go to the police and make a confession, I'll turn you in.

No, don't turn me in.  I will turn myself in.

Friends, we hope you got that.

The phrase "turn oneself in" means to give yourself up to the authorities.

Now, let's change the direct object to a thing.

Do you have a paper to turn in to your teacher tomorrow?

Or, do you have homework to turn in?

When you turn in your homework or paper, you're handing it in to your teacher.

Language Lab
suspicious adj.
thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest;
making you think that something bad or illegal is happening;
feeling that you do not trust someone or something
- The guy's suspicious behavior caught the security guards' attention.
- A suspicious neighbor heard screaming and called the police.

mastermind n.
someone who plans and organizes a complicated operation, especially a criminal operation
- The mastermind behind the kidnapping was arrested at the airport.
mastermind v.
to think of, plan, and organize a large, important, and difficult operation
- Ray masterminded the whole scheme to cheat the investors.

plastic surgery n.
the medical practice of changing the appearance of people's faces or bodies, either to improve their appearance or to repair injuries
- The girl had plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose.
plastic surgeon n.
surgeon: a doctor who does operations in a hospital
- Greg is a famous plastic surgeon in Hollywood.

anniversary n.
a date on which something special or important happened in a previous year


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