Sunday, March 12, 2017

White Vinegar and Its Amazing Uses

This common food item is not just for the kitchen anymore

  • For wrinkles and cleaning 
  • For clogged pipes
  • For pets' ears
Most of us lead busy lives and appreciate anything that makes them easier. Vinegar, a common kitchen item, provides easy solutions for many problems. 

For wrinkles
Spray your clothes with a mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water. Wait a couple of minutes, and watch the wrinkles disappear.

For cleaning
Vinegar is a very effective glass cleaner. Mix one part water to one part vinegar. Spray glass surfaces and wipe clean.

For bad smells
Soak a piece of bread in vinegar. Put the bread in a smelly garbage can overnight. The smell will be gone by morning.

For clogged pipes
If you sink is clogged, mix a cup of vinegar with half a cup of baking soda. Pour the mixture down your drain and turn on the water. No more clogged pipe!

For pets' ears
Mix together one part water and two parts vinegar. Put some on a cotton ball and wipe inside your pet's ears. It  not only cleans but soothes itches. 

The next time you need an easy solution, look no further than your own kitchen.

Language Lab
vinegar n.
- Adding vinegar to the water can make hard-boiled eggs easier to peel.
- Mom loves to dip her bread into olive oil and a bit of vinegar.
- This flavored vinegar is perfect for making salad dressing.

wrinkle n.
- The pants were made of a wrinkle -free fabric.
- The cream claims to smooth fine wrinkles in just four weeks.
wrinkle v.
- Years of hardship wrinkled the woman's face, making her look ten years older than she is.

dilute v.
to make (a liquid) thinner or less strong by adding water or another liquid
- You can dilute the medicine with water.

clog v.
to slowly form a block in (something, such as a pipe or street) so that things cannot move through quickly or easily
- Weekend traffic clogged the freeway system in L.A.
- The pipe was clogged with leaves.
- Our discussion was once again clogged by irrational arguments.

itch n.
- The itch on my back is really bothering me.
- Don't scratch your itches with your fingernails because you might get an infection.
- The mosquito bite still itches after days.

Making Decisions

How do you make decisions?
  • What did Chad buy?
  • What would Jeremy rather wait for?
Jeremy and Chad see each other outside a store. 

C: Hey, Jeremy! Look what I just bought.
J: Wow! Cool cell phone. Wait, wasn't that model just released yesterday? Buying it so quickly seems a bit hasty.
C: Not at all. I've known for a long time that I wanted it.
J: I'm surprised you didn't want to read some reviews first.
C: Why would I do that? I've had my eye on this phone for months.
J: Product reviews tell you whether the phone actually performs the way the company claims it does. 
C: I've bought all of my phones from this company and have never had a problem. Besides, I'd rather be one of the first people to try out their latest model.
J: New phones are way too expensive to buy without doing some research. Not to mention I'd rather wait for the price to drop.
C: But the new technology is worth the full price. I don't want to be using something that is outdated.
J: Well, you know what they say, "Good things come to those who wait." And I'm happy to take my time with purchasing expensive items.

Language Lab
hasty adj.
done or made very quickly
- Buying a house is a big thing. Don't make a hasty decision.
- We don't want to leap to any hasty conclusions. We need to listen to each party involved in the incident. 
- People tend to be hasty in judging others just by their appearance. 

have an eye on something
If you have an eye for something or a good/keen/sharp eye for something, you have a special ability to recognize a particular thing or quality.
- Charlie's had his eye on this truck for quite some time.
an eye = one's eye
- Lily's had her eye on this watch for years, and she bought it right after she got her first job.

technology n.
the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problems
- The new medical technology can benefit so many people who suffer from this disease. 
- Israel's military technology is quite advanced compared to its many neighbors.
- New recycling technologies can turn glass into fibers of fabric.

outdated adj.
no longer useful or acceptable : not modern or current
- These outdated computers in the office will soon be replaced with new ones.
- These outdated marketing strategies no longer work.
out of date
- That suit looks out of date.