Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cupcakes for Japan ‧日本加油 (2011-03-15)

As I watched the tragedy unfold in Japan, I wonder if other people have felt great sadness as I have. The world can change in a heartbeat, so we should cherish all that we have today. As I wipe away my tears, I think of what I can do to help. First I wrote to each of my friends in Japan to ask if they are safe and to pray for them.

Then, I started to make cupcakes of hope.

The only things you need to prepare is buttercream frosting and cupcakes.

I used the recipe from my Wilton cake decorating class. It's very sweet, because my test subjects like it this way.

Use Wilton tip #12 along with white buttercream to make the frosting base.

For the Japanese flag, use red buttercream and Wilton tip #12.

To write words, use Wilton tip #3 and chocolate buttercream.

I made different designs, using hope as my main theme. Be creative!

I hope the Japanese can overcome this hardship and begin to rebuild their country and way of life.

For the month of March, I will be donating all ad revenue from my blog to the earthquake/tsunami victims in Japan.